
Documentary Credit

Grow your trading relationships confidently with HSBC's Documentary Credit (DC), also known as Letters of Credit, mitigating the payment risks associated with cross-border trade and improving your cash flow.
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HSBC Omni Collect

A one-stop solution for your in-store and eCommerce collection needs, allowing your customers to make faster and simpler transactions and your businesses to grow.
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Payments & FX Solutions

"What exchange rate will I get? How much will it cost? Where is my payment?"
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HSBC Evolve

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Global Corporate Cards

Gain more control over business expenses and manage working capital more effectively.
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Global Receivables

Streamline collections and enhance visibility into receivables for improved working capital management.
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Global Payables

Make paper-based and electronic domestic and international payments.
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FX Global Intermediary Services

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Banking moves fast online. Keeping up with changes in technology, regulation and the economic environment can be demanding. That's why we've developed powerful, intuitive online tools to help you manage even your most complex banking needs. HSBCnet gives you a clear picture of all your global banking in one place, wherever and whenever you want it. We offer a comprehensive suite of flexible online financial solutions – all designed to help you increase productivity and manage your cash flow. With real-time global account access and customisable setup features, you stay in control over of the finances at every level of your organisation.
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With over 150 years of experience and a global leader in precious metals, HSBC is your natural first point of contact when trading commodities.
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Maximise opportunities with HSBC’s Global Credit business through our strategically located dealing rooms and global offices, offering 24-hour trading and sales coverage and delivering innovative ideas and liquidity globally.
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Derivatives Clearing Services

Execute and clear Futures and Options, as well as clear eligible OTC derivatives, including interest rate swaps (IRS) and credit default swaps (CDS) across nearly 40 global exchanges and clearinghouses (CCPs). 24x6 "follow-the-sun" coverage by low and high touch desks, as well as a comprehensive suite of electronic trading solutions.
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Take advantage of HSBC’s far-reaching presence and extensive product knowledge in the rates markets to gain access to global liquidity and streamline transactions. To help you access global liquidity and transact seamlessly, the HSBC Global Rates group provides debt issuance, financing, innovative risk management and investment solutions through a broad selection of vanilla and structured products.
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Structured products

Protect capital, improve yields and more with a range of products tailored by HSBC’s structuring and sales professionals.
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To outsource or not to outsource currency risk management?

Managing foreign exchange risk has become a major theme in the current market environment. This renewed focus on FX can be explained by the increase in FX volatility, as well as regulatory scrutiny and a low-yielding investment environment. Whether currency risk is caused by international assets or driven by demand from global investors, taking control of FX exposure is a major challenge for asset owners and managers.
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2022 Segregated, Secured, Sequestered Requirements

Daily Statement of Segregation Requirements for Customers Trading on U.S Exchanges, Daily Statement of Secured Amounts and Funds held in 30.7 Accounts, and Daily Statement of Cleared Swaps Customer Segregation Requirements and Funds in 4d(f) Accounts
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CFTC customer protection rules

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Clearing and Foreign Currency

Optimise working capital and make transactions in local and foreign currencies more efficiently.
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Customer disclosure documents

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Successfully meeting global growth objectives hinges on making the best-informed decisions and optimising liquidity to future-proof your business. By bringing together our cash and derivatives trading, sales and distribution, structured equity and equities finance expertise, that’s exactly what HSBC’s Global Equity group delivers.
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ETF Platform Solutions

Our “All of HSBC” integrated ETF Platform Solutions provides a complete range of services across the full value chain supporting clients in today’s rapidly evolving market.
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ETF Fair Value Execution Algorithm

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Foreign Exchange

HSBC is one of the leading global Foreign Exchange (FX) market makers. Whether your execution needs are driven by a transactional, hedging or investment strategy, you can leverage our global footprint, local knowledge and deep expertise to gain insights and manage your exposure in a manner best aligned with your objectives.
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Adaptable Solution; Smart Execution
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HSBC FX Overlay

FX Overlay is an automation and outsourcing solution to help HSBC's clients improve FX hedging efficiency, reduce operational risk and increase transparency.
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IOSCO Principles – Statement of Compliance

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Put SEPA to work for your organisation

Single European Payment Area (SEPA) is a borderless system of Euro payments throughout SEPA countries and territories based on a set of common standards, rules and conditions. In 2020, the geographical scope of SEPA schemes includes 36 countries and territories with about 523 million people living there.
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Our terms of dealing

The Terms of Dealing documents set out some of the key aspects of the relationship between HSBC and its clients when transacting in various products. These Terms of Dealing documents can be found within the following pages and may be updated from time to time.
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Our terms of dealing for brokers

The Terms of Dealing documents set out some of the key aspects of the relationship between HSBC and its brokers when transacting in various products. These Terms of Dealing documents can be found within the following pages and may be updated from time to time.
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HSBC Transactional FX

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FX Overlay for Corporate Clients

HSBC FX Overlay provides a unique infrastructure to automate your FX workflows and allows access to industry-leading FX hedging strategies.
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Treasury Solutions Group

Our Treasury Solutions Group (TSG) brings ideas, expertise and experience to businesses who are actively seeking to transform their treasury.
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HSBC Real Clear

HSBC Real Clear is an innovative tool that redefines clearing. It delivers real-time* visibility of top day’s clearing activity, risk & collateral exposure, margin and more…
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